Spring / Summer 2021

We arrived at the boat yard on June 22nd after leaving Arizona with 113 degrees temp. After a lot of organizing we finally were able to make it livable. The pilot house was chock full of outboard motor, an Avon inflatable, boat wheels, oars and a lot of other stuff I forgot we had !

Because of the crazy Canadian bureaucracy (buffoons) and their love of the Covid-19 Plandemic I don't know whether we can get the boat to Alaska via Canada.
So Gnettie and I decided to spend the summer getting familiar with the ship and how she handles before heading to the far north. So we will have a summer of fun around the Puget sound.
We have 90 days (used to be 6 months) after we get her wet until we dry dock again or major Washington taxes kick in.

Spring time and up on the "Ways"
So here we are in our 40th year of building and finally getting her hull wet in 2021 !
We are in a boat yard so there will be no sanding or refinishing work allowed to be done.
Work to be done this summer. Some of it on the water.
  1. Netting and rope work on poop deck handrail stanchions.

  2. Cover the main support post in the galley with fancy rope work.

  3. Sound proofing the engine compartment.

  4. Dinghy Decide what to do with our beloved dinghy while cruising.

  5. Bilge Clean Out Clean out forward bilge and repair shorted forward bilge pump float switch.

    "What a Yucky MESS!!"

  6. Galley Drain Galley gray water was backing up into the tub and the sink was not draining quickly enough.Work in progress
    I discovered these HepVo valves which take the place of a trap and they can be mounted horizontally.

  7. Aft Helm. Install engine controls at poop deck helm and install new cables throughout the ship.

    Switching unit to be used to switch the controls from forward to aft helms.

    There will be 2 of these, one for the throttle and one for the transmission.

  8. Add a switch on the control panel for the compost toilet fan.

  9. Last year we had a solenoid weld itself together and the starter kept running. So I added an engine starter disconnect, so we can prevent it happening again.
    Update: Solenoid welded again on new solenoid. Glad I had this quick disconnect installed. Starter must be drawing too much current. Replaced with new starter and solenoid. Seems to turn engine over twice as fast.

  10. Engine RPM Calibrate ship's computer for engine RPM, oil pressure and temperature.Work in progress
  11. Side Pieces Fancy wood work where aft cabin meets the cap rail.Work in progress

  12. 3D print ship's wheel hubs, and mount them on the helm wheels !
Work to be done when on the water in a good anchorage or in dry dock ! Note: We are not allowed to do any sanding while in dry dock.
  1. Bow Pulpit: Build a walkway out to the end of the bow sprit?
  2. Re-finish with Spar Varnish the main hatch rail supports.
  3. Re-finish with Spar varnish poop deck rail supports.
  4. Cut out an opening in the center of the aft rail ?
  5. Inspect all Cetol areas. Sand bad spots and re-coat with Spar Varnish
  6. Openings in the stanchion netting. This is proof of concept using a wood dowel. We will try this for a while but then switch to using 2 pieces of 1/2" aluminum tubing, cut it to 27" and then serve it with marlins twine. Then make a wood cap to match the existing stanchions.