Head - 2013

The head needs to have the countertop rail installed and the outside wall.
Here is the outside wall after measuring and cutting out the door. Now to fit it into place. Space is getting cramped to work in, so I took 2 pictures of the fitting.
This is a view from the galley next to the new pantry.
Here is a view from the work shop. This is a 4 X 8 sheet of birch cabinet ply which is just over 4 foot wide.
So you can see how much bathroom I have crammed into about 5 feet. This has to be done up right because this is going to be the busiest place on the ship, next to the galley. In fact that's why it is next to the galley.
In "computer speak", one is input, the other is output.
The wall is now finished. Starting to look like a finished ship inside.
Here is a good view of the finished wall, and the floor trim around the toilet. I will be spending a lot of hours in there, so it better be right.