In order to get all this work done I need to minimize going back and forth to the shop. So I decided make a work shop in the aft cabin. Before I do however I need to get some light and air into the work area. So I decided to install the last two port lights. Plus it gets 2 more big boxes out of my way.
This is the starboard side which was done many years ago, before the aft cabin interior structure was installed.
The hull needed to be cleaned up removing all the duct tape glue. Thanks to goo-gone I was able to get it done.
Here is a shot of the interior and the base plywood attached to the hull to accommodate the port light.
After that comes a finishing board to make it all look pretty.
Here is the interior view of the installed port light.
Here is the exterior view, starboard side.
The port side was never done so here is how it is started. I took the outside frame and made a patterm of where I am going to cut. I cut out the hole with a rotozip tool.
Big hole is cut, and all the mouting holes are drilled and ready.
Frame installed and insualted.
Backer board cut and shaped ready for the plastic interior to be glued on.