Final Work - 2007

Final Finish Up Work Before The Winter
I was able to get the cabin door re-installed, and the starboard window sills installed, so the rot area is now officially repaired! The plywood floor is cut and fitted into place in the galley-head-pantry area.
Here is where the head (my porcelain buddy) is going to set. Notice it is a full size seat for my big ass. Here is where Gnettie's stove will be installed. I have metal side wall for each side and a metal back plate to finish off the area.
Over the aft cabin I put up a plank to provide a run-off for the water. Notice I strung lines over the plank to provide a firmer area for the 2 tarps to sit on. I do not want water to puddle in this area. It did before and it seemed like there was 100's of pounds of water in there quite quickly. I hear it does rain around here! Here is a picture of the support. It was a roller used to extend the end of a table saw, with the roller removed.