The Building of The 

"Sharon Rose"

Here is the record of the building of the mighty ship called the "Sharon Rose"  a Gaff Rigged Yawl.
She is a replica of the first ship that was solo circumnavigated by a fellow named Joshua Slocum, a man who was originally born in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Length Overall 49' 7"
Length on Deck40'
Length Water Line32'
Beam14' 5"
Displacement35,840 lb.
Auxiliary PowerPerkins 4.236 72 HP
Construction MaterialFiberglass hull, Douglas fir for the top sides.

If you want to read an excellent, classic, sailing story download and read "Sailing Alone Around the World" by Joshua Slocum.

(Click the title to read the book.)

Or you can listen to the the Audio Book. Each section is about 45 minutes.. Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4

Another great book is "The Voyage of the Liberdade." by Joshua Slocum.

His original vessel is shown on the top right and left. Click on the small picture for a full size view. To go to the Bruce Roberts Official Spray web site, click GO Spray!

There you will see many Sprays in different configurations. Just so you can believe we are not the only crazy ones!!
When you see some new designs with pilot houses, be advised we were one of the first builders to change the plans for a pilot house. We're getting too old to stand out in the cold and rain to steer!
It has been a labor of love for both Jeanette (alias Gnettie) and I for the past 39 years. Yep you read right. I started laying out the hull on the back lawn in 1981. But we were hit with a recessions, inflation, then lack of funds, then lack of time, etc. You know, standard life adventures. I have since read of some couples taking up to 40 years, I think we will definitely fit into that category.

May 10th, 2020Found some cool pictures of the hull turn-over, and hull build construction. Go to 1982 - Hull Turn-Over, 1981 - May - The Beginning below.

May 17th, 2020Web site updated with old VHS Videos from 1986 thru 2001. Go to Videos below

For those who are not interested in construction details, but want to see it finished so far.

Updated 26-Jan-21


I was able to convert these old VHS recordings to the new formats and present them here.
They show some building instructions, overviews and some just plain fun.
These videos end the fall of 2001 when the VHS recorder failed and the iPhone had not been really invented yet.
Visitor 18,160 since January 1st, 2009